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Stop Chasing your Goals if you want to reach them - Here's Why.

Apr 19, 2024


Have you ever decided to accomplish a goal, like losing some weight, and realized that in spite of your best efforts, you are making little or no progress towards it?


Or have you noticed how when you choose to accomplish something, like changing a job, or starting a side gig, it seems like you can never really get to working on it?


Perhaps you’ve noticed that your enthusiasm wanes after a few days and then you go back to square one.


This happens because our mind creates pressure and fear when it thinks about pursuing a goal, and eventually that pressure gets to us.


Our minds are not designed to work under pressure and fear. A goal, even though it is meant to inspire us, for most people, it does the exact opposite.


It makes us feel stuck. We see the mountain we must climb, and hesitate to even take the first step.


The reality is there is a better way to go about accomplishing our goals. 


A way which does not require any struggle, or fear. A way which is easy, once you start walking on it.


This way is to go about them not directly, but indirectly.


This means, we don’t chase a goal at all, what we chase is a process.


We build a process that works, and then that process accomplishes the goal for us.


All we do is walk the path without paying much attention to where it's headed, knowing full well that it's headed in the right direction.


Example 1:


Goal = Lose 10 pounds in 60 days.


I sit down with a pen and paper and think about what I would have to do in order to get there.


I make a clear plan which includes, how many times a week do I walk, exercise or eat out. 


I decide what I need to eat and when?


I note down my weak points such as my sweet tooth, or late night snacking habits.


And everything I write down, is within my ability to do.


I am creating a process to get there.


I am building a lifestyle that can sustain this goal.


Example 2:


Goal = Start a new business by end of the year.


I sit down with a pen and a paper and think about how I would run my business.


I don't ask about how much money I should make, or how many clients I can find, but what would my day-to-day work schedule look like?


What services do I need to purchase, what help will I need, and what is the value I am offering to my clients?


I think about the process, not the end state.


Example 3:


Goal = Write a book in 6 months


I go on a long walk and think about what my book should make the reader feel?


I don’t think about how much it will cost, or how many copies it will sell, or what reviews it may get, for those things are external.


I ask, what is the structure of the book?


How does it flow?


What emotions am I really trying to get the reader to experience?


When do I write everyday? In the mornings or evenings?


How much do I write in one sitting?


And so on…




It is obvious that the process to run a business, write a book, or even lose some weight is way more complex than that I have laid out, yet the idea remains the same.


Change your thinking style from goal-oriented to process-oriented.


Everything becomes realistic when you realize you need a process, not a vague idea that a goal usually is.


A process arises from your vision.


Have a clear vision, and then create a clear process to fulfill that intrinsic vision.


Remember, you do not achieve a goal, you achieve a process that achieves the goal for you.


Not only is it far easier to do, but it also makes our goals more likely to be accomplished.


It creates a natural discipline, without making us feel overwhelmed from imagining unreasonable things.


I hope you enjoyed reading this email.


Send me any questions you may have.


What problems are you facing today when you chase your goals?


What is your biggest impediment to creating the life that you desire?


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